Saturday, November 29, 2014

But I'm A Cheerleader (1999) - Comedy

Rating: 6/10

Summary: A satyrical comedy about a cheerleader, Megan (Natasha Lyon), who is sent to straight camp because her friends and family are worried that she is a lesbian. There she meets Graham (Clea Duvall), who helps her accept herself for who she really is, sexuality and all.

Let me begin by saying I am a huge Natasha Lyon fan. I love her sarcastic humor, an how intelligent that is. With that being said I found it, almost refreshing to see her playing a different type of role. She stepped out her raging masculine lesbian persona (and I mean this in the nicest way possible because I love her raging lesbian persona) and became a character I have never seen her play before; a total stereotypical cheerleader (who happens to also be gay, which I guess destroys the cheerleader stereotype).
Now the film in itself was OK. The beginning had me completely but lost me towards the middle, meaning; I got bored and was more concerned with playing Kim K Hollywood than watching Megan's relationship with Graham. I don't think this was entirely the story line's or Natasha Lyon's fault, it was probably me and my dislike for Clea DuVall, who just happens to rub me the wrong way (she also look like the kind of person who is greasy and smells bad but that's just my opinion. I also don't like her acting.)

Despite my complete and utter dislike for Clea Duvall (who I'm pretty sure ruined the whole movie for me and caused me to give it a D- rating) I found the film hilarious. I loved the satirical humor, and Megan drooling was the strangest and greatest thing I have probably ever seen. The acting on everyone else's part was acceptable (except for Clea Duvall, but then again that's my opinion).

As for the cinematography I was in heaven. The use of color and prop placement was impeccable. It was so aesthetically pleasing it was like I was looking at paintings the entire time. The color palette was also a love with the extreme usage of pinks, purples, blues, and pastels. I loved the Wes Anderson style completely centered and symmetrical placement of things, and the extravagance of it all. Overall, visually, the film was amazing and anyone who is a Wes Anderson or The Shining fan would definitely love watching this film. Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing for the soundtrack and most of the acting.

Ultimately, I think this film is quite deserving of a 6/10, it is quite entertaining in the beginning and end but the middle lacks incredibly. Personally I would say this is more of a I-have-nothing-else-to-do-in-my-free-time-and-there's-nothing-else-to-watch kind of movie.

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